Step-by-step guide: Internal communication strategy for the most engaged workforce – part I

Internal communication is the focus of employer brand management with respect to employee satisfaction and retention. It helps to ensure that all employees are aware of the company’s values, goals, and mission, and it helps to foster a sense of community and collaboration within the organization. An effective internal communication strategy can have a positive impact on employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

The success or failure of an internal communication strategy can have a significant impact on the company. If the strategy is effective, employees will be more willing to adapt to changing goals and requirements. On the other hand, with an ineffective strategy, we may encounter resistance and fear from employees.

Employer Brand Academy

Internal communications in the context of employer branding refers to the process of effectively communicating with and engaging employees within an organization. This can involve the production and delivery of messages and campaigns on behalf of management, as well as the facilitation of open communication and dialogue between employees and management. Additionally, it may involve developing the communication skills of all members of the organization to improve overall engagement and job satisfaction. The scope and responsibilities of internal communications can vary depending on the specific organization and the individual in charge of the function. Some definitions and scope may include how teams interact with each other; however, we will be defining the borders of communication from the employer organization to employees. A successful internal communication employer-branded strategy will ultimately result in better team interaction aligned with the goals of the employer.

Employer organizations need an internal communications strategy to be consistent, coherent and connected in all activities related to their employees. Ensuring such will create a holistic image of the employer’s attractiveness; helping the employees be more engaged and more in tune with the company culture. With a perfect strategy defined by internal communication goals, the organization will have the overall structure to know “what, whom, when & where” to communicate. The “how” part of this process is obvious: In line with the EVP.

All the tactics that are used to communicate with employees and/or candidates should provide “reasons to believe” in the EVP. Effective internal communication strategies should have clear goals that are consistently followed to ensure that:

  • All employees understand the company’s overall vision, specific business goals, and their individual roles in achieving them.
  • Every communication is aligned with specific business goals.
  • Every activity leads to meaningful action and change.
  • These touchpoints can help to create a cohesive and effective internal communication strategy that promotes engagement and alignment within the organization.

However, the internal communications need of a business can vary depending on the composition of its workforce. For instance, organizations with mostly remote employees may have to adopt different communication strategies than those with mostly on-site workers. This is why we will delve into the details of how to effectively implement an internal communication strategy template. We will examine the characteristics and goals of a successful strategy and provide guidance on the key considerations and best practices to keep in mind when implementing communication plans.


In developing an effective internal communication strategy, it is important to establish methods for evaluating the team responsible for implementing the strategy. This may involve tracking metrics and soliciting feedback from the target audience to adapt and refine the message as needed. It is also crucial to consider the composition of the team, ensuring representation from various departments and levels within the organization to provide a diverse range of perspectives and expertise. There is often debate regarding which department within the organization should manage internal communication efforts, with options including human resources, public relations, and marketing. However, it is important to recognize that internal communication will occur regardless of the department responsible, and the priority should be on ensuring that the strategy is effective in achieving its goals and adding value to the business. This can be achieved by focusing on the internal communication strategy and action plan, rather than the location of the team within the organization.

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